Create A Tornado In A Jar.
Create a Tornado in a jar! This fun and easy science exepriment will facinate kids of all ages.

You will need.
- 1 empty glass jar with a lid
- Dishwashing liquid
- Water
- Glitter(Optional)
- Food Colouring (Optional)
What to do:
- Fill the jar ¾ full of water
- Squirt 1tsp of dishwashing liquid into the water
- Add 1 tsp of vinegar.
- Add a few drops of food colouring and glitter if you want.
- Put the lid on and swirl the water round in a circular motion
- Watch the tornado form. Repeat as many times as you like

How does it work?
When you spin the water in the jar, the water is drawn to the center by gravity creating a vortex. The glitter is held in place by centrifugal force until the vortex slows and the glitter falls back to the bottom of the beaker.